Who We Are
We are dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness for those we serve by providing affordable housing and supportive services that enable them to achieve and sustain social and financial stability. We serve families (mostly single-women headed households with children) and individuals. All adults served by WHC were formerly homeless, are low-income or very-low-income, and have a federally-defined disability (substance use disorders and/or mental health diagnoses, often combined with physical disabilities). In addition to housing, our services include intensive, one-to-one case management, resident advocacy, and life skills training. Services are developed in collaboration with residents and are tailored to meet the needs of each individual or family as per their specific situations and goals.
The idea for the Women’s Housing Coalition was started in 1979 by a group of women who were distressed by the number of women in Baltimore City with no home or support network. By 1980, this group of women officially formed a nonprofit and began finding buildings where women experiencing homelessness could go to have a chance at a fresh start.
In 1990, WHC opened Maryland’s first transitional housing single room occupancy (SRO) project for those experiencing homelessness. This then evolved into a permanent housing facility for homeless women. This residence, the Calverton, still serves women and is owned and operated by WHC today.
Poverty, homelessness, addiction and mental illness, alone or together, can place enormous barriers in the paths of both adults and their children. The WHC believes that the best response to such barriers is permanent housing combined with the targeted supportive services that help our residents stay on the path of personal development and growth.
The WHC’s objective is to provide those experiencing homelessness with a range of housing options and opportunities in order to maximize their chances of future stability and self-sufficiency. The quality of the housing and services provided to our program participants is central to their success. Individuals respond directly to the value of the resources being invested in them. Self-esteem is a crucial component to success for those in our programs. A quality living environment operated with respect and dignity says a lot about how we view our residents and allows them to take a similar view of themselves and their potential.
Poverty, homelessness, addiction and mental illness, alone or together, can place enormous barriers in the paths of both adults and their children. The WHC believes that the best response to such barriers is permanent housing combined with the targeted supportive services that help our residents stay on the path of personal development and growth.
The WHC is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing safe, affordable housing and support services to low income individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Baltimore City.
The WHC was incorporated in 1980 by a group of women who, after conducting research, learned that women experiencing homelessness were invisible in the community. Due to the lack of resources available for these women, the WHC was created to assist this overlooked population with safe, affordable housing that responded to their unique needs. As the demand for affordable, service enriched housing has evolved, the WHC has expanded its vision beyond only serving women.
The WHC serves those experiencing homelessness, specifically low-income individuals with disabilities and their families. In addition to housing, WHC services include case management, resident advocacy, and life skills training. Services are tailored to meet the needs of each individual or family and are based on their individual situations and goals.
To qualify, an individual or family must be living on the streets, in a shelter, or in a place not meant for habitation (last residence must be in Baltimore City); low income; referred to us through the City’s Coordinated Access System; and have a disability (by HUD standards to include physical disability, mental health issues, or chemical addition) that affects their ability to maintain housing.
The WHC provides single room occupancy (SRO) housing with onsite services and leases many apartments/houses throughout the city. Residents pay up to 30% of their income.
From goods to dollars to your time, WHC is always in need of donations and community support. The Annual Fundraiser offers sponsorship opportunities, and at any time, corporations and organizations can sponsor the WHC families and/or houses. Click here to learn other ways to help!
The WHC views success as unique to the individual, their situation, and their abilities. Residents are considered “successful” as they continue to accomplish the goals they set upon entry into the program and revise through continued case management.
The beauty of permanent supportive housing is that each resident’s length of stay varies depending on the complexity of their disability and their continued qualification as low-income. There is no set time limit for program completion.
WHC currently has 124 housing units and serves ~200 people at any one time; this will increase to 136 units in late 2024 – early 2025 via a HUD expansion award, with ~250 served at any one time.